Braving The Interview!

If you feel as though this section of the process is the most stressful, do not worry you are not alone. It is important to remember, if you have reached this stage you are already doing well. Always dress appropriate for an interview, hence it is better to be overdressed and impress than underdressed. The way you present yourself is the first impression look you are conveying to your future employer.
Prior to your interview, you must do some research. Do research on the company you will be applying to and plan some of your responses towards the type of position you are applying for. Do not be late! It is vital to plan ahead, therefore, if you do not know the area in which the interview will be conducted, search the area and make sure you are on time for the interview.
Finally, be yourself. If you get a job by being something you are not, it will only lead to more problems down the line. If you were rejected after the interview process, remember to keep the faith and see the interview process as an opportunity of growth.